Thursday, May 2, 2013


Yes, yes.. a lot of seriousness have come out of these fingers lately. We must remedy that.

Today I’m going to share some random craziness that is my life:

1.  While talking about hte possibility of becoming a foster family Connor says, "I've always wanted a pretend brother or sister."

2.  The day after my daughter's 4th hamster perished, while standing in line at Target, she asks me if she can have one of those tiny Barbie toys hanging by the counter.
I say “no”. She tears up and says “Every time I hear the word no, I think about my
dead hamster”

3. My son, 9 years old, gets to pick any number for his jersey.. this is what he picks


Can you tell his father took him?  99 and 1 were both taken.. but I would have at least suggested any other number.

4.  One day, walking through Whole Foods, I threaten to take Connor out of the race car cart and make him walk.  I sternly say “Do you want to walk again”  To which every adult within earshot jerked their head around at and stared.  Some guy chuckling walked by and said “Geez, she’s going to break your legs son, I’d listen to her!”

5.  I let Abby give me a makeover.  As she starts moving down my chin with the lipstick, I give her a confused look.  She looks at me and says, “I accidentally messed up so I made you a zombie.”

6.    When C was about 3 or so he was eating ice cream with Nana & Papa.  After taking too big of a bite, he got a brain freeze.  He held his little fists up by his face and with his eyes closed repeated “Be brave, be brave” only it came out “Be Bwave, be bwave”
7.  A letter from C to A:

 To Abby From Connor:  I love you so much my head could explode.  Love, Connor

8.   My daughter created a secret handshake to share with her Aunt J which consists of some fiving, fist bumps and ends in their hands gesturing in an arch as they say “rainbow” followed by a growl.

 9.   No caption necessary:

10.       I've got "fashion" in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it....

11.       A:  “I swallowed my earring”
12.    Yet another makeover by my sweet daughter.  This time she starts putting make-up on my nose.  I look at her confused and she says, "I messed up on the eyes so I made you a clown."  I don't see a Mary Kay career in her future.

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